Sunday, 31 May 2009

Having a ball!

ENG: At last Karl Edo has got the chair of his dreams, the Eero Aarnio ball chair!
He immediately decided that it was a perfect chair for watching TV.
Here he is with the remote control in his hand and a bottle of wine and some snacks within reach. He even got a new table and a matching wall unit for the TV. When I expressed some slight concern about how he could earn any money at all from Spook House, taking so much of the shop's furniture for himself, Karl Edo reassured me and said he likes to use his new house as a showroom, since the shop is so small!

NOR: Endelig har Karl Edo fått drømmestolen sin, Eero Aarnios kule kulestol! Han fant med en gang ut at den var den perfekte TV-stol!
Her ser du ham med fjernkontrollen i hånda og en flaske med god vin og litt snacks ikke langt unna! Han har også skaffet seg nytt bord og en matchende TV-seksjon. Da jeg uttrykte en viss bekymring for om Spook House kunne gå i pluss i det hele tatt når han stadig vekk tar med møbler hjem, beroliget Karl Edo meg og sa at han liker å bruke det nye huset sitt som showroom, siden butikken er så liten!
Credits: Eero Aarnio ball chair by Reac, George Nelson Ball clock by me, the table and wall unit by me, made out of Lego, the TV is Lundby, other accessories are Lundby, re-ment, beads and stray finds.

Monday, 25 May 2009


ENG: And the Lego induced inspiration continued... I bought some boxes with just doors and windows for my Lego facade, and in them were also some deep frames for windows and doors.
I thought they loooked like a modular shelving system and made this shelf for the Stockholm house. This is my first try and I'm not sure it's going to stay this way for long, but that's the beauty of Lego; nothing is final!

NOR: Og legoinspirasjonen fortsatte... Jeg kjøpte noen pakker med bare vinduer og dører for legofasaden min, og der var det også noen dype rammer for vinduer og dører. Jeg syntes de liknet hyllemoduler og laget denne hylla til Stockholmhuset. Dette er mitt første forsøk og jeg er ikke sikker på om hylla kommer til å forbli slik lenge, men det er jo det fantastiske med Lego; alt kan endres!


ENG: Inspired by Altera's post of the coming Frank Lloyd Wright Lego I and my son have been busy this weekend building with Lego, as you can see in the previous post. But Lego has for a long time been a favourite of mine, for example is Nora and Helmer's utility room with a roof terrace also made out of Lego. I have previously posted it here. You can see pictures of it seen from the garden here.

NOR: Inspirert av Alteras blogginnlegg om den kommende Frank Lloyd Wright-legoen, har sønnen og jeg vært travelt opptatt i helga med legobygging, som dere kan se i forrige post. Men Lego har lenge vært en favoritt hos meg, for eksempel er Nora og Helmers vaskerom med takterrasse også bygget av Lego. Jeg har tidligere postet det her. Dere kan se bilder av terrassen og trappa sett fra hagen her.


ENG: At last the building supplies from the Danish manufacturers arrived, so the building company Helene & Son Ltd. could complete the remaining facade. The exterior of the reception rooms was rebuilt. Arne Vaa, who supervised the project, had made drawings based on the original drawings. For the pub, he proposed a more modern look, but still in keeping with it's older neighbour's style.

NOR: Endelig kom de manglende byggematerialene fra de danske produsentene, slik at byggefirmaet Helene & Sønn AS kunne få bygget ferdig den gjenstående fasaden. Eksteriøret til selskapslokalene ble gjenoppbygget etter Arne Vaas tegninger som var basert på de originale tegningene. For puben foreslo han en noe mer moderne stil, som samtidig spilte sammen med den eldre naboens uttrykk.

ENG: Picture to the right: The street in the evening.
NOR: Høyre bilde: Gata i skumringen.

ENG: A peek through the windows.
NOR: Noen glimt inn gjennom vinduene.

Saturday, 16 May 2009

17. mai er vi så glad i!

ENG: The 17th of May is the National Day of Norway. It has for over hundred years been celebrated with parades of school children, their teachers and marching bands.
So today the children in me and my daughter's doll's houses have celebrated the day by marching the little "street" I have so far. And the whole town have been watching, cheering and waving flags! As a teacher Nora also participated in the parade.
On the pavement you can see Carol Line with her husband Henrik, Henrik is the identical twin brother of Helmer. Also present are Glenn Closenough with husband Sean Kommer'u, and Dolly Barton, aunt of Henrik and Helmer. Polly Line is apparently more interested in the tall, handsome stranger. Karl Edo Spook, Arne Vaa and aunt Fiolett paa Traadén ( aunt Violets it Slip) must have been too tired to come after last nights party, since they are nowhere to be seen!

On this day people are often dressed in their national costumes; called a "Bunad", but sadly none of my dolls owns one. The only dolls in national costumes attending were the greek pair to the right.

NOR: 17 mai måtte jo selvfølgelig bli feiret i 1:16 også. Så alle ungene i dukkehusene til min datter og meg gikk i tog, mens hele byen jublet på fortauet. Nora gikk i toget med elevene sine. Både Carol Line og mannen Henrik, som er Helmers eneggede tvillingbror, var der. Det var også Helmer, Glenn Closeenough med mannen Sean Kommer'u og Dolly Barton, tanta til Henrik og Helmer. Polly Line var visst mer opptatt av den høye, kjekke fremmedkaren.
Karl Edo Spook, Arne Vaa og tante Fiolett paa Traadén må ha vært slitne etter festen, for de er ikke å se.

Og etterpå var det kaffe og kransekake i hagen.

Afterwards the Lund family had coffee and almond "tower cake" in the garden.

Here is a photo from todays lifesize parade, with our school marching to town to join the other schools for the main parade.

Credits: Coffee pot by re-ment. Tower cake made by Christel Jensen.

Eurovision - the party's on

ENG: The party has started - everyone is in a great mood, especially Helmer, waving the Norwegian flag. Karl Edo plays along, but Greece, who are on right now, is his secret favourite.

NOR: Festen er i gang og stemningen er høy. Særlig Helmer er feststemt og veiver med det norske flagget. Karl Edo spiller med, men egentlig er det Hellas som er favoritten hans.

ENG: The party, seen from the terrace.

NOR: Festen sett fra terrassen.

Credits: Barcelona chair on terrace by Reac. Table and jug by re-ment

Prepared for party

ENG: Karl Edo has invited his friends to his new home for an Eurovision party. He has spent the whole afternoon carefully moving food and furniture around to achieve that casual look. Soon the guests will arrive.

NOR: Karl Edo har invitert vennene på Grand Prix fest i det nye huset. Han har brukt hele ettermiddagen på å flytte på møbler og mat for å oppnå det rette uanstrengte preget. Snart kommer gjestene.

Credits: Furniture and accessories: Lundby, Re-ment, self-made. The "art" is a Gogos figure.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

A night at the opera

After a visit to the new operahouse in Oslo this weekend, Karl Edo finally got something for his wall.
NOR: Etter et besøk i den nye operaen i Oslo sist helg, fikk Karl Edo endelig noe å henge på veggen.

Credits: Architects for the opera house: Snøhetta

On request

ENG: Upon popular demand, here are pictures showing a whole building. This is the one holding Spook House, Gjengangere second-hand store, the pub and the reception room. Arne Vaa has designed the Spook House front for his friend. The original facade, which can be seen in the rest of the house, wasn't compatable with an exclusive shop for modern design. The logos are designed by Cocco.

NOR: Etter talløse oppfordringer (1), her er bilder som viser et helt hus. Dette er bygget som huser Spook House, Gjengangere brukt og antikk, puben og selskapslokalet. Arne Vaa har designet Spook House-fronten for vennen sin. Den originale fasaden, som man kan se i resten av bygget, passet dårlig til en eksklusiv butikk for moderne møbler. Logoene er designet av Cocco.

(Because of insufficient supply of building materials from the Danish manufacturers and concerns for the stability of the structure, the facade so far only covers the ground floor. )

Monday, 11 May 2009

Spook House revisited

ENG: This is Spook House with it's current inventory. Much of the furniture from the Spook House opening is already sold and replaced, amongst them the "pastil" chairs, bought by both Nora and Carol Line for their children and with the taste of his best customers in mind, Karl Edo has replaced them with even more red leather.

NOR: Her er Spook House med sitt nåværende utvalg møbler. Mange av møblene fra åpningen er allerede solgt og erstattet med nye, bl.a. "pastil"-stolene, som både Nora og Carol Line har kjøpt til ungene. Og med smaken til sine beste kunder i mente, har Karl Edo erstattet dem med enda mer rødt lær.

Credits: Red leather chairs are vintage Lundby, low shelf from Lundby. Black table is made of lego and so is the base of the lamp, George Nelson ball clock and round table is also selfmade, Reac Eames chair, other furniture and accessories are mostly by Re-ment. Moon lamps and Spook House bags by Cocco. The art is "Red abstract, nr. 5" by Victor Pasmore

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Back to basics

ENG: Here is the basement livingroom of Nora and Helmer. Most of the souvenirs from their many travels ends up here. This week a new wooden floor has been laid in the room and they are quite happy with it! Spook House also sells the same type of sofas and chairs they had from before, so Nora has been there and bought herself a new sofa.
NOR: Her er kjellerstua til Nora og Helmer.
De fleste suvenirene fra reisene deres havner her. Denne uka har de fått lagt nytt parkettgulv og er ganske fornøyd med det! Spook House selger den samme sofaserien som de hadde fra før, så Nora har vært der og kjøpt en til.

ENG: The whole livingroom.
NOR: Hele kjellerstua.

Credits: TV, Sofas and chair vintage Lundby. The bookshelf, sidetable with turquoise lamp is made by me. Fireplace painted by me. Blue art nouveau lamp by Cocco. Round sidetable and shelf on the right side of the room by Re-ment. Art by Fredrik Stabel, Gustav Klimt and Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. The "metall" art is scrapbook paper. Books by TreeFeathers. Accessories are ebay finds, re-ment, beads and souvenirs from travels.

New lamps for Karl Edo's house

I'm not good at showing how I make things, but thought I should post a couple of pictures of a towel hook before and after I turned it into a lamp with a strip of a retro design sheet.
(Must admit that it has no lightbulb, though).

And here are the lamps in the living room.
Still no art on the walls though!