Så en ellers vakker dag kom Nora med noen tegninger venninna Polly Line hadde tegnet for henne, med planer både for et tilbygg med vaskerom med terrasse på toppen og for å fjerne noe av taket for å gi mer lys til takterrassen. Selv om Helmer fryktet det ville bli dyrt og gruet seg til å leve på en byggeplass hele sommeren, visste han bedre enn å si nei til prosjektet.
Dessverre glemte jeg å ta bilde av huset før vaskerommet ble bygget, men her er et bilde som ble tatt rett etter det ble ferdig.
ENG: For as long as Nora and Helmer had lived in the house, Helmer had been quite content with it, not much had changed over the years and for Helmer this was a good thing.
Then one day Nora came with some drawings her friend Polly Line had made for her, with plans for both an extension where she could have a utility room and a terrasse on top, and some alteration of the roof, providing more light for the top balcony. Even though he thought it would be too expencive and didn't look forward to be living in a building site the whole summer, Helmer knew better than to turn the project down.
Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of he house before the extension was built, but here it is just after it was finished.
ENG: And here are two pictures which shows the top balcony after the roof alteration.
Wow, that house is spectacular! Did you build it all from scratch, or from a kit? I love it!
Thank you Grace!
The upper two floors are a Lundby Stockholm house, and the bottom floors are extensions for Lundby Småland. The Lundby houses are in 3/4 scale, are intended for children and therefore is bought finished with floor, doors, wallpapers and electricity in the back wall. But I usually don't like their wallpapers so I have redecorated almost every room.
The ground floor I have had since I was a child.
The new extention is built with lego, as I'm rubbish with a saw. I also like lego because it is so easy to do changes with.
Det är så fint hela huset! Så många fina detaljer!
Du har verkligen satt din egen prägel på det! Sen tycker jag att trädgården till är så fin, med trappan bredvid!
Takk så mye Lena!
Ble ganske fornøyd med den trappen selv:)
Lurer litt på male hvit murstruktur på hagekassa (den er i metall) for å få det mer enhetlig.
"The upper two floors are a Lundby Stockholm house, and the bottom floors are extensions for Lundby Småland. "
I never thought of combining two houses that way, brilliant idea!
Grace, thank you for your nice comment!
But it's because of the different width of the houses that I added the legoextension, to get the balanse right. (And also of course that Nora needed the utility room)
I didn't mind as long as I had just one extra storey, than the extra space became a garage. But when I got my latest storey it all started to look at bit weird.
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