ENG: I have promised I would post a summary of who's who of all the characters you regularly can meet in this blog. And here they are, I'm proud to present, Nora and Helmer's family and friends.
NOR: Jeg har lovet å poste et sammendrag av hvem som er hvem av de som du kan møte på bloggen her. Og her er de fleste av familie og venner av Nora og Helmer du treffer her:
Helmer Lund er en godlynt mann, fornøyd med livet og familien sin. Han elsker barna sine, kona Nora og vespaen sin (men ikke nødvendigvis i den rekkefølgen). Jeg er ikke sikker på hvilket yrke han har, han ser ut til å ha nok av fritid, men samtidig bør han jo tjene en del for å kunne betale for alle møblene og pyntetingene Nora stadig kjøper.
Nora Lund is a dedicated arts and crafts teacher in secondary school, and also have her own sewing room. She's more enterprising than her husband and loves (re-)decorating their home in a nice mixture of new and old. Her best friends are Polly Line and her sister-in-law Carol Line.
Nora Lund er en ivrig kunst- og håndverkslærer på ungdomsskolen, og har også sitt eget syrom. Hun har mer tiltak enn mannen og elsker å pusse opp og innrede de forskjellige rommene i huset i en blanding av nytt og gammelt. Hennes beste venner er Polly Line og svigerinnen Carol Line.
Tomy Lund is the son of Nora and Helmer. He likes to play football, play with his cars, especially those from the movie Cars, and lego, read comics and draw.
Tomy Lund er Nora og Helmers sønn. Han liker å spille fotball, å leke med bilene sine, særlig med de fra filmen Biler, bygge med lego, lese tegneserier og tegne.
Annika Lund is the daughter of Nora and Helmer. She's like most girls and loves to draw, play with her dolls and her doll's house and listen to music by her current idols. And she never can get enough stuffed animals, or so it seems.
Annika Lund er datteren til Nora og Helmer. Hun er som jenter flest og liker å tegne, leke med dukker og dukkehuset sitt og høre på musikk av sesongens helter. Hun får heller aldri nok kosedyr, ser det ut til.
Sean Kommer'u (Sean R. U. Coming) is a former agent, who in his agent days had a preference for fast cars and beautiful women (or vice versa). He has now calmed down and is running the local pub and assembly rooms with his wife Glenn Glosenough.
Sean Kommer'u er en tidligere agent som i sine agentdager gikk under navnet Bånn Gass på grunn av sin forkjærlighet for raske biler og snertne damer (eller omvendt). Men nå har han falt til ro og bestyrer puben samt driver byens selskapslokaler sammen med kona Glenn Glosenough.
Glenn Closenough is running the towns assembly rooms with her husband and is the mother of Nora. But in her younger days she used to be a variety artist in France under the name de Ville, together with Arne Vaa's mother Jannemor Vaa. They even had their own show - Vaa de Ville! But soon she was off to Hollywood and became a world famous moviestar!
Glenn Closenough er Noras mor og driver byens selskapslokaler sammen med mannen sin. Men sammen med Arne Vaas mor Jannemor Vaa, var hun tidligere varietéartist i Frankrike under artistnavnet de Ville. De hadde til og med sitt eget show - Vaa de Ville! Men det tok ikke lang tid før hun skiftet beite og ble verdenskjent filmstjerne i Hollywood.
Tante Fiolett paa Traadén (Aunt Violets it Slip) is the younger sister of Glenn Closenough and the aunt of Nora. She is married to Knut E. paa Traaden, but they are separated (again!) She loves purple, lilac and violet colours.
Tante Fiolett paa Traadén er lillesøstera til Glenn Closenough og dermed tanta til Nora. Hun er gift med Knut paa Traadén, men de er for tiden separert (igjen!) Hun elsker syrin, lilla, fiolett og purpurfarger.
Dolly Barton is the aunt of Helmer and Henrik. And even though she has been sent to Stavanger for rehabilitation, she still spends far too much time in the local pub.
Dolly Barton er tanta til Helmer og Henrik. Og selv om hun har vært på rehabilitering i Stavanger, tilbringer hun fremdeles alt for mye tid i den lokale puben.
Henrik Lund is the identical twin brother of Helmer. He is an author and is married to Carol Line, they have seven children. (My daughter's family)
Henrik Lund er den eneggede tvillingbroren til Helmer. Han er forfatter og gift med Carol Line. De har hele syv barn (min datters familie) !
Carol Line is Henrik's wife. She loves shopping in second-hand stores, no wonder with seven children! She also loves having a cup of tea with her sister-in-law Nora.
Carol Line er kona til Henrik. Hun elsker å handle i bruktbutikker - ikke rart med syv barn! Hun tar også gjerne en kopp te med svigerinnen Nora.
Polly Line is Carol Line's cousin. She's an architect and the one who designed the extension to Nora and Helmer's house. She has a younger brother Jon Line, who at the moment is studying IT in another town.
Polly Line er kusinen til Carol Line. Hun er arkitekt og har bl.a. tegnet påbygget til Nora og Helmers hus. Lillebroren hennes er Jon Line, men han studerer for tiden IT i en annen by.
Arne Vaa is a good friend of Polly Line, and like her he's an architect and has designed Spook House and the facade of the pub and has been in charge of restoring the facade of the original part of the building. He was raised in Paris by his mother Jannemor Vaa. He moved to Norway as a teenager but still spends much time in Paris. Vaa is a well known Telemark family name.
Arne Vaa er en god venn av Polly Line, og som henne også arkitekt og har tegnet Spook House og fasaden på puben og ledet restaureringen av fasaden på den opprinnelige delen av bygget. Han vokste opp i Paris hos moren Jannemor Vaa. Han flyttet til Norge da han var tenåring, men er fremdeles ofte og lenge i Paris. Vaa er et kjent slektsnavn fra Telemark.
Cocco Flanell is a designer living in Paris. Through her work she has become a friend of Arne Vaa and Karl Edo Spook. She's also a close friend of Action Man who lives at Montmartre. She has designed the logo for Spook House and the moon lamps.
Cocco Flanell er designer og bor i Paris. Gjennom arbeidet har hun blitt kjent med både Arne Vaa og Karl Edo Spook. Hun er også nær venn av Action Man som bor i en leilighet på Montmartre. Hun har designet logoen til Spook House og moon-lampene.
Karl Edo Spook is the owner of Spook House, a shop for modern design, but has a preference for retro. He's Arne Vaa's partner and also a good friend of Polly Line and Cocco Flanell.
Karl Edo Spook er eieren av Spook House, en butikk for moderne design, men har en forkjærlighet for retrostil. Han er Arne Vaas partner og også god venn av Polly Line og Cocco Flanell.
The tall handsome stranger has showed up to a couple of the festive occasions I have taken photos from, but I'm not exactly sure who he is. Rumours have it that he's from another scale. Update: He is now known as Dr Whatson, because he always turns up when something's going on.
Den høye, kjekke fremmedkaren har dukket opp på noen av de festlige anledningene jeg har tatt bilder av, men jeg er ikke helt sikker på hvem han er. Ryktene vil ha det til at han er fra en annen skala.
2nd time trying to leave a comment! This is what I wrote:
LOL! What a family line. Mystery Man is hilarious. I have to bookmark this page as reference if I am to keep track. And I thought my 59 characters are complicated.
hehe!! My memory is good !!
Because I reposted this post, I "lost" two comments from Sans and Rebecca. I'm so, so sorry!!!
But luckily I got them on my mail as well, Sans has reposted hers, but here is Rebeccas:
I love your plays on famous names, as well as the puns! I can really
appreciate them reading them all in a list. And the tall handsome
stranger who might be from another scale - I love it! Do you see him on Norwegian TV? I remember hiding behind the couch when I was a kid and watching the earlier series, and I love the new series, especially with this man.
Thanks Sans!
You have an excellent memory:-)
Sorry about me fooling around on the net at night,just making trouble :-)
Rebecca, thank you so much, and again I'm so sorry about my mess!
The series with Christopher Ecccleston was sent on Norwegian TV, and I've seen the first series with David Tennant on the BBC Prime. But I have also bought all the seasons with Tennant so far on dvd. I must admit I have a soft spot for Tennant, I think he excels in that role. But so far, I'm not quite sure if the tall handsome stranger really is him or just a look-alike. We'll see :-)
Oh I'm glad you did get the comment! I sometimes have trouble leaving comments on other blogs, and I often save them to repost, but I hadn't with yours.
I love David Tennant as the Doctor too - we have one or two single episodes to come before the appearance of the new one :-( (who may be very good, but we've got very fond of this one).
Ah, so the identity of the tall handsome stranger is a mystery! I await developments! And I wonder if this means that you are sometimes visiting other scales?
nun gibt es auch für mich keine unklarheiten und spekulationen mehr. ich bewundere deine kreativität, du lässt diese puppen zu wesen werden, die uns interessieren. ich habe wirklich lange zeit gedacht, dass du im freundeskreis einen bekannten hast, der architekt ist und dir deine puppenhäuser designt hat. naja, das liegt zum teil auch an meiner faulheit, alles genau zu lesen und zu übersetzen.
und diese namen! am meisten mag ich glenn closenough.
vielen dank
Ha, ha Rebecca!
No visiting of other scales so far, except perhaps bringing some slightly off scale reac chairs into their world.
But seeing how much nice furniture and houses you can get in the 1:12 scale the idea is tempting!
I've read about and have seen pictures of the new guy, and even though he looks the part I think he's too young. (Or maybe it's just me that's getting to old?)
Heisan.Det er godt du legger ut hvem er hvem med gjevne mellomrom.
hukommelsen min er ikke hva den engang var.(eller har noen gang vært LOL!!) Hadde sansen får den mørke mystiske fremedkaren. :)
Der ligger en award til deg inne på sybloggen min.
:)Ha en fin helg!
Vielen dank auch zu dir, Oese!
Dein Lob hast mich sehr froh gemacht!
Und ich kann gut verstehen dass du ein bisschen verwirrt warst, auch Leute dass Norwegisch sprechen, haben nicht alles verstanden. Deshalb diese übersicht.
Der Name Glenn Closenough kam sofort jemand hat gesagt das sie als Glenn Close aussah. Aber für mich sind fast alle Favoriten :-)
Tusen takk Rita, det er nok heller ikke siste gang du ser denne oversikten, regner med at den må oppdateres i blant :-)
Tusen takk for awarden! Veldig hyggelig å bli tenkt på!
hihih - that´s so much fun to read and very helpful!
i rearranged my second blog and from now up you will find everything about the lundbys here: http://pueppilottchens-spielzeug-blog.blogspot.com/
hope you enjoy it?!
schönes wochenende, nicola
Thank you Nicola, I am always happy to hear my stories are fun to read!
Your blog looks great after the rearranging you made. I tried to read the story of the käthe kruse puppen, but it's to hot for me today to read so much German. Though I wasn't much of a doll's person when I was a child, just interested in decorating my doll's house, I have become more interested in dolls now :-)
And I think the käthe kruse puppen are really beautiful and very lifelike!
Ich wünsche dir ein Schönes Wochenende auch, Helene
Hi, I found this introduction of characters fun and interesting. When I think of new miniature project, I usually come up with a story first and then start building everything around it. I'm glad to see other dollshouse enthusiasts have "family lineage", too.
Thanks Millimari! I alss like to see other miniaturists making stories with their dolls. My first doll's house was just a house that accidently had some doll's in it though, but now when I look for new houses or projects I always think of what house will go with the different characters.
Wonderful! I love the family tree, and all the back-stories-thanks Helene! Must say, I'm intrigued by the tall (tall indeed!) and handsome stranger...
I´m impressed! You have so interesting stories behind all the persons. Just waiting to read your posts in the future. I love this!
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