The building contract was given to the experienced lego construction company Helene & Son Ltd, represented by Son. I took photograps to document the process. But I think someone got the scale wrong, maybe they mistook inches for millimeters...
NOR: Denne uka kom endelig legopakka med Frank Lloyd Wrights Guggenheimmuseum.
Byggeoppdraget ble gitt til det erfarne legobyggefirmaet Helene og Sønn as, ved Sønn.
Jeg tok bilder gjennom hele byggeprosessen. Men jeg tror noen må ha bommet på målestokken, kanskje de blandet tommer og millimeter...
Ich hoffe, du hast dich nicht geärgert! Ich hätte mich bestimmt aufgeregt, dass das Ding so klein ist. Wenn man die Packung oder die Werbung sieht, kommt man nie darauf, dass es diese Größe (!?!?!) hat. Aber ein tolles Gebäude ist es schon. Auch so schön, deinen netten Sohn mal vorgestellt zu bekommen.
Ich denke gerne an die Zeit, als meine Kinder so alt waren wie deine!
Und nun gute Nacht.
Danke Oese, aber nein, ich habe mich nicht geärgert:) Eigentlich war ich ein bißchen erleichtert, daß es nicht so groß war. Ich habe fast kein Platz mehr und wußte eigentlich nicht wo ich es stellen sollte, aber jetzt paßt es perfekt in meinem Benno-Regal ein.
Und mein Sohn war ganz froh auf meinem Blog zu sein!
Gute nacht Oese!
OMG - Pubdoll! These are so small!! Thanks for posting about this and letting us know. I'm going to add an update to my blog about these sets.
Your son looks so proud! A very good job indeed; Helene & Son are building up a very good portfolio (no pun intended).
I wonder what the scale is? Possibly one of the scales used by miniature railway makers? Or its own individual scale!
OMG, a dollhouse's dollhouse Frank Lloyd Wright! Why not? I think it will add a lot to yours in particular as you have a little retro theme going on there. I hope its not too expensive though. Were you disappointed? It is terrible that they do not put the scale properly on the box! But you guys finished it so fast. I wish you are here to help me with the Taj Mahal Lego , Helene. I haven't bought it yet but already find the task of building it very very daunting.
Byggmesteren så utrolig stolt ut ,for en utstråling .Flott byggverk !
Thanks for visiting Altera, and for posting the link on your blog!
Thank you Rebecca, he was quite pleased too! (And Son has also both a policestation and a firestation in his portfolio)
I tried to calculate the scale and think is about 1:400.
Thank you for your concern Sans, but I wasn't disappointed, actually more relieved, since now it fits nicely into my Ikea Benno shelf. I was afraid I would end up having a great lego structure taking up space I don't have:)
Son would be more than happy to help, but I think he would find the long flight a bit daunting. But building lego isn't that hard. They have very good manuals which are easy to follow. You just have to take it brick by brick:) When you managed to build that temple, Taj Mahal should be a piece of cake!
Tusen takk Janne!
Så hyggelig at du stikker innom her!
Jeg er naa den lykkelige eier av Falling Water +masse plukk selv lego bl.a. doerer til de hvie hyllene du fikk.
Ellers har jeg funnet lekre joggesko til AM og et mah-jong-spill. Fant et kjoepesenter like nedenfor hotellet med masse japansk, Re-ment o.l. men ingen Momoko
Så flott! Er Falling Water like lite som Guggenheimmuseet eller?
Hyggelig med "reisebrev", håper dere har en fin tur :-)
Synd du ikke fikk deg noen Momoko, Men gleder meg til å se de andre tingene du fikk kjøpt.
Det er klart stoerre og mye mer detaljert, og traerne er laget av veldig fine moerkegroenne klosser.
Det er vanvittig hett her saa vi skal tidlig av gaarde i dag for aa spasere paa Brooklyn-bridge foer det blir for ille.
Jeg har vært inne og sjekket bilder av legobygget. Det ser veldig fint ut, gratulerer! God brotur, vi tar en liten tur til Oslo på tirsdag og blir til onsdag.
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