According to Sans, one of her Palace girls has a crush on Helmer and has made him the tiny Vespa in the background! Naturally Helmer was flattered and he absolutely loved the Vespa! Thank you so much Sans! Helmer sends his thanks too!
De første to bildene er bare av gavene og kortet som lå ved. Den flotte vannpipa er Sans egen design og du finner mer om dem her og her . Hun visste jeg liker elefanter og ga meg også disse nydelige elefantene som hun har gjort om til lysestaker.
I følge Sans, har en av jentene hennes i palasset stor sans for Helmer og har laget den bittelille Vespaen på bildet til ham! Selvfølgelig ble Helmer smigret og han bare elsker Vespaen!
ENG: Apparently Helmer really loved the hookah too, he has been puffing the whole evening until the surroundings got blurry.
The elephant candles are fab :-)
Helmer looks really chilled with his hookah !
We all need to be Helmer one of these days...this post has a few more reasons! I wonder if Helmer would be OK not being Helmer for a day :)
Da hast du ein schönes Geschenk bekommen! Und Helmer sieht wirklich entspannt aus. Ich habe auch einen neuen kleinen Elefanten bekommen, aber meiner ist lange nicht so schön.
Thanks Tallulah-Belle!
Yes aren't they? I just love them!
Yes he is, it appears there's more to Helmer than meets the eye:)
Ha, ha, I wouldn't mind being Helmer either. But I think Helmer isn't so keen on the swap idea, he's quite happy where he is (for obvious reasons).
But Karl Edo Spook wouldn't mind a swap, if that means he can stay in your Villa Sibi or Kaleidoscope House!
Oh dear, the hookah look like they belong to a giant! LOL . I forgot that yours is 1:16? Nevermind, maybe you can put it in the gazebo and pretend it is a! The elephants look sooooo cute here. And they are teeny weeny in the tent but here, the presence are felt :). It has been my greatest pleasure, Helene, sending Helmer these gifts. :)
Danke Oese, ja nicht war es war ein schönes Geschenk? Ich bin so froh!
Ich liebe die Elefanten, die sind wirklich hervorragend!
Hast du Photos von deinen Elehanten gepostet? Ich möchte sie gern sehen!
Helmer didn't think the hookah was to big at all:)
And the elephants looks good there, no? I just love them! When I have done a little bit of repainting I will post pictures of the vespa too, but yesterday I ran out of time!
Helmer says the pleasure's all on his side:) And seeing him after an evening with the hookah I believe he's right!
lucky helmer - yes, looks really chilled & relaxed with his hookah :) and the elefants are great!!
p.s.: jemand hat mir ein lundby-haus angeboten... :O einfach so... fam. lundby und ich warten nun auf fotos und dann haben sie vielleicht schon bald ein neues heim :)
Judging by the look of Helmer I think I must get myself a hookah too:)
So spannend! Ich hoffe dass die Lundby familie kriegen es, und dass du uns bald Bilder von den glücklichen Familien in seinem neuem Heim zeigt!
Liebe Helene,
mein kleiner Plastikelefant gehört zu einer ganzen Tüte "Krimskrams", die ich von meiner Mutter geschenkt bekam. Ich zeige bald etwas davon.
Und auf Püppilottchens Haus freue ich mich auch schon.
Nun, wo ich meine Villa Eichhorn stehen habe, weiß ich genau, dass ich mein Lundbyhäuschen niemals abgeben würde, auch wenn ich etwas Platzmangel habe.
Nice gift and the room looks great!
Thanks Julianna!
Flotte gaver ,kjekt å få gave i posten .Tenker nok at vannpipen blir flittig brukt !
Ha en strålende dag !
Ja, sist jeg så satt han der ennå. Tror nok jeg bør ta den vekk fra ham snart, det kan umulig være bra for ham!
Ha en flott dag du også:)
I see you got one too?? Isn't Sans wonderful?? Its so great to find your blog! -ara
Yes, I'm so glad to have "met" Sans,
and I love the presents she sent me!
I'm really happy to have you visiting my blog too, I saw your blogs just yesterday and I'm already loving them!
I'm still in awe over your organ!
You guys are making me blush and I do not ever ever blush! So STOP! LOL
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