NOR: Da jeg kom hjem fra byen i ettermiddag, ble jeg overrasket over å se Karl Edos soverom fylt opp med et møblement som nok var mer shabby enn chic. Men han sier han har planer for det, og det er enda mer overraskende, Karl Edo er ikke akkurat den mest nevenyttige mannen jeg vet om! Men nå slipper han i hvertfall å sove på sofaen.
ENG: This afternoon I was a bit surprised to see this more shabby than chic bedroom furniture in Karl Edo's bedroom. But he says he has plans for it, which is even more surprising, I mean, he's not exactly the handiest of men! At least he doesn't have to sleep on the sofa anymore.
(The seller told Karl Edo that the furniture is Lerro/Lundby, does anyone know if this is correct? And if he'll commit a cardinal sin if he alters it completely?)
Ich finde die Möbel eigentlich sehr schön und würde vielleicht nur den Lack erneuern. So kannst du mit verschiedenem Bettzeug und Deko immer etwas anderes damit machen...
äh, ich meine Karl Edo kann verschiedene Einrichtungsstile ausleben.
Meine Eltern hatten ein ähnliches weißes Schlafzimmer, nachdem sie endlich ihr erstes dunkelbraunes abgegeben hatten. In den Siebzigern und 80er mochte ich Möbel aus den 40er Jahren und älter, heute stehe ich total auf 60er Jahre-Schick!
Ich bin sicher, du wirst was Schönes draus machen.
also es könnte gut lerro oder lundby sein... stilmäßig sieht es total so aus, aber ich weiß es leider auch nicht wirklich... und ich bin ja wirklich gespannt, was karl edo nun daraus macht :) aber da er ja deine unterstützung hat, wird es schon was werden ;)
lg, nicola
Danke Oese und Nicola! Ich glaube nicht dass Karl Edo eigentlich weisst was er mit den Möbeln machen will. Er steht ja auch auf den retro stil, so vielleicht macht er wie Oese schlug vor und erneuert nur die Lack.
I think I saw this set - was it a German seller? I thought it was Modella, but I guess not. In any case, very nice stuff!
Thanks callsmall, I'm glad to hear you liked it! The seller was from the UK, tink4tatt. Haven't decided yet to keep the furniture more or less as it is, or to do something else with it, especially the closet.
I'm not a Lundby expert, but I don't think it's Lundby (or Lerro). My first thought was German, like callsmall, and I've been looking through sites like puppenhausmuseum, but haven't found it yet!
I think it's gorgeous - such great style! Karl Edo has very good taste. I would leave it as it is, but I think Karl Edo prefers bright colours :-)
They are ab fab, Helene. Exactly how I will love if they are mine! Shabby chic & folk/ethnic is what I am into now and white. I am not so sure about Edo though. He seems very flashy to me and may like his stuff really "designer" and as Rebecca puts it,in bolder colours but I guess you will know him best. I will keep the furniture in the original style though until you know for sure what they are.
Thank you so much Rebecca for taking the time to do some research!
I guess I will leave them as they are for now, just sand them down a bit and repaint them, change the mirror and perhaps some of the knobs.
Hmm, we'll see what colours Karl Edo chooses! I think he's a bit like me and prefers more calming colours in his bedroom.
Thanks Sans! A good advice!
I have never pictured Karl Edo as a shabby chic man, I always thought of it as a rather feminine style:)
I like it myself in small portions, but as you may have noticed I like many different styles and won't limit myself to just one.
i knew i had seen it before!!!
i bought a bedroom on e**y some days ago, because the seller wrote it is lundby or lisa and i liked it so much, because it looks so "basic" to me... and now reading your older posts - i find the same here at carl´s house :) mine is light green and with flowerprint bedding, but it´s exactly the same! funny - i forgot your post here and i bought the same bedroom ;D ...did you find out who made it? and did carl paint it (red), yet? :)))
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