Karl Edo, having been busy in his shop, was eager to show me the new Spook House Autumn collection. He was as proud as a five-year-old who has just lost his first front tooth that he had managed to get hold of one of Anninas rare sofas! Eames elephants in plywood were also among his new acquisitions. Hmm, apparently steel and natural colours is the thing this autumn.
NOR: Godt å være hjemme igjen! Alle dukkene har oppført seg bra også!
Karl Edo har hatt det travelt i butikken og var ivrig etter å vise meg høstkolleksjonen i Spook House. Han var så kry som en femåring som akkurat har mistet sin første tann, fordi han hadde klart å få tak i en av Anninas sjeldne sofaer. Eames elefanter i finér var også blant nyervervelsene. Hmm, det går visst i stål og naturfarger denne høsten.
Credits: Charles Eames Elephant by Reac, sofa by Annina, Lego windowframe-shelves, tables are building blocks, the lamp is made out of a bead and a Lundby lampshade, the vase on the table is also a bead. The metal stools and side table are door knobs. George Nelson ball clock by me, hanging moon-lamp by Cocco, other furniture and accessories are mainly Re-ment.
Nice to see you back! How amazing that none of the dolls misbehaved just a little while you were away ;-)
I wonder how Karl Edo can bear to sell any of his stock. It all looks so good together. But it seems that he still caters for customers who prefer other colours?
Thanks Rebecca, great to be back! If they misbehaved, they must have done so elsewhere, because everything was nice and tidy when we got back (or perhaps they have just tidied the place afterwards?)
I know, I think he will have a hard time parting with the sofa, but he knows it's the turnover that makes the business.
With a wallpaper like that, red is hardly ever out of style in Karl Edo's book :-)
I love what you did with beads and doorknobs! Very clever and effective! Any chance I can convince you to go retail and make another Nelson-inspired clock? Or, perhaps Karl is willing to sell his? :)
Ich war schon sehr gespannt, wie Anninas Sofa bei dir aussieht - natürlich großartig!
Es ist ein vertrauter Raum und doch ist so vieles neu und passt perfekt zusammen. Ich mag einfach alles, deine tollen kreativen Ideen, Lego, den Eames-Elefanten. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Und ich hoffe, du hattest eine schöne Zeit mit deiner Familie.
GREETINGS from Bangkok!! :) Good to see your post on my blog list again! Those new acquisitions are awesome! No wonder you look forward to the mail. Outstanding, Helene! I want to say especially the Eames Eles but I change my mind cos they are all great!
Realmente, está quedando magnifico.Felicidades.
Så häftigt rum! Soffan var verkligen snygg, en sån skulle jag kunna tänka mej i mitt stora hem!
Har du gjort lamporna själv? Så mycket fina detaljer.
Thanks callsmall, I love beads and doorknobs almost as much as I love Lego :-) Of course we now have problems getting into our cupboards, but that's a minor problem....
As for your nice Ball clock request, being a businessman Karl Edo said yes immediately, I say I could give it a try if you're really interested, but had problems the last time getting the clock hands to look at least fairly decent. (They are made out of metal pill trays and then laquered black)
Danke sehr Oese, ich bin so froh daß Annina das Sofa für mich in meine Größe gemacht hat, es ist für mich wirklich einen Schatz!
Und danke noch einmal, wir hatten eine schöne Ferien, schönes Natur gesehen und viele von meinen Verwandten getroffen.
Thanks Sans! I thought you should have some days off from the blog when in Bangkok? But I guess you're addicted too :-)
Yeah, isn't the sofa awesome? I'm so pleased!And I think the elephant's great too! I got one in "red stained maple" as well. You know me and elephants!
Muchas gracias, Dora!
Me siento honrado.
Takk Lena! Ikke sant sofaen er flott, jeg kunne også tenkt meg en slik sofa i virkligheten! Jeg er så glad at Annina laget den til meg i Lundbyskalaen!
Den hengende lampen er laget av Cocco på dukkehusforumet, men bordlampen har jeg selv laget av en perle, en Lundbyskjerm og et stykke tynt metallrør.
If Karl ever has another for sale, let me know! I wish I had some talent, and we could swap creations! Unless...I could try to find 1:16 furniture that I don't use. I'll let you know!
hi, helene
you are back again - fine :)
i like carl edo´s spook house autumn collection and how he decorated his shop, but actually i´m not in the mood for autumn-things... i have the same with my shop. it´s still summer and at the end of july we´ll receive the autumn/winter clothes :( not funny... but anyway, that´s shop-reality ;D nice to read you here again! i´m happy your dolls behaved well and everything was at it´s place...
Thanks callsmall, we'll see what I manage when the summmer laziness wears off :-) But a swap sounds fine. I'm not the handiest person myself, so I just make simple things out of beads, screws and needles.
Thanks Nicola, glad you liked it though it was far too early :-) I agree totally, but as you said, this is how the industri works. And Spook House is no exception..
Stuen er bare pent,skjønner godt han er stolt !
Takk Janne, så hyggelig du likte den!
Jag har en utmaning till dej på min blogg!
Hi Helene
Also hoping to use the second photo in this post if possible...
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