Nora's got a beautiful Turkish carpet on hold that matches the fabric of the chairs, but then she would have to redecorate the walls of the room. Tough decisions indeed!
NOR: Møblene i spisestua til Nora og Helmer er stort sett arvestykker fra begge sider. Nora er ikke helt fornøyd med rommet ennå, hun har tatt ut tapetet etter fargen på det tyrkiske teppet, men det går ikke godt sammen med fargene på stolsetene. Nora har holdt av et nydelig tyrkisk teppe som står til stolene, men hvis hun tar det må hun skifte ut tapetet. Så vanskelig å bestemme seg!
ENG: Picture to the right: View towards the dining room from the living room.
NOR: På bildet til høyre ser man inn i spisestua fra dagligstua.
ENG: The picture to the left is taken through the kitchen door.
Nora and Helmer have been visiting their friends in Paris this summer and bought a minature Eiffel tower as a souvenir (on the sideboard).
NOR: Bildet til venstre er tatt gjennom kjøkkendøra.
Nora og Helmer har besøkt vennene i Paris denne sommeren og kjøpte et Eiffeltårn i minityrutgave som suvenir (på skjenken)
The purple striped decanter is Venice glass, a gift to Nora and Helmer from Cocco.
NOR: Det eneste nye i dette rommet er denne asiatiskinspirerte hyllen som Nora kjøpte fordi hun liker stilen og fordi hun syntes den passet godt til resten av møblene.
Den fiolettstripede karaffelen i hyllen er Veneziagave til Nora og Helmer fra Cocco.
ENG: The rose candlelabra is Nora's favourite together with the old painting.
NOR: Nora er særlig glad i roselysestaken og det gamle maleriet.
Credits: Dining table and sideboards are vintage Lundby, the oriental shelf and crooked vase are by re-ment. ( I have put bead legs on the shelf) Other accessories have accumulated over many years. The rose chandelier were bought on the doll's house weekend in Stavanger last year and is by Cilla,
Oh dear! Decisions, decisions ... Perhaps they can find a carpet with both gold and pink in it, so they don't have to redo the walls?
I like the legs on the shelf!
So beautiful. I love pic of the view towards the dining room from the living room.
Wonderful it looks so real.I love all your mini goodies Rosanna
Helene, there are some gorgeous pieces in there. The vases are so great and the little rosette candlelebra is gorgeous. Take the plunge, tear down the wallpaper, demolish the walls! Give the room a new life :). LOL.
Lovely pieces, and such nice photography! I KNEW I should have purchased a mini Eiffel tower when I was in France -- cute touch! I like what you did with the Re-ment shelf.
very elegant photography! like the view of the dining from the doorway! and very nice furniture and accessories!
Looks great -as usual! You can make so nice views in different styles, I like it!
Thanks Rebecca, we'll see what I can find, I must admit I'm not very keen on doing the walls all over again, it took me more than a day the first time.
Da sieht man wieder, wie lange du schon sammelst. Was für wunderschöne Accesoires Du hast. Und alles passend zur Lundby-Größe, das muss doch besonders schwer sein. Ich mag den Rosenkerzenständer auch.
Wäre es nicht das einfachste, die Polster der Stühle neu zu beziehen? Macht am wenigsten Arbeit, oder?
Vielen Dank, dass du uns immer wieder solche Schätze zeigst.
Thank you Minna! I love taking photos through doors, but the result isn't always very good.
But I liked this one as well :-)
Thank you Rosanna, so glad you liked it! And to hear it looks real, is one of the best compliments I can get!
Sans, Nora became a bit frightened now, and I had to reassure her you lived on the other side of the earth and won't come anywhere near her house :-) But she was very happy to hear you liked the candlelabra!
Thank you callsmall!
I must admit I didn't find that small Eiffel towers when in Paris last year, this one I found in an accessories shop in my old hometown Trondheim, so I had to send Nora and Helmer on vacation to Paris to have an excuse for the souvenir :-)
I'm glad you and Rebecca liked my re-ment shelf treatment!
Thank you Natalie, I had a quick peek at your blog and pictures, seems you have a lot of very nice modern furniture!
And doing miniatures became much more fun when I got my new camera last year!
Jeg liker også roselysestaken veldig, veldig godt.hehehe...flotte bilder av spisestua. Håper Nora blir enige med seg selv tilslutt.
So nice of you to say so Julianna, that's what I have aimed at!
I have tried decorating each room in Nora and Helmer's house in different styles and colour combinations.
Tusen takk Rita, jeg er veldig glad i den, håper du ikke fremdeles er lei for at jeg kom deg i forkjøpet!
Egentlig syntes Nora stolene så ganske greie ut når hun så bildene, så kanskje hun er lat og lar det være som det er en stund til :-)
Danke Oese! Wie ich Julianna gesagt habe, habe ich verschiedene stile in fast alle Räume in Nora und Helmer's Haus. Dafür wenn ich etwas neues finde, passt es fast immer zu ein oder ein andereres Zimmer!
Ich habe gedacht die Polster neu zu besiehen, aber erst habe ich nicht den richtigen Stoff gefundet und ich mag sie auch eigentlich ganz gut wie sie jetzt sind!
Ich will bald ein neuen Szene mit den Stühle zusammen mit mehr passenden Farben zeigen. Vielleicht kann ich mir hinter her bestimmen :-)
Ja den lysestaken er bare nydelig:)
Håper Nora finner ut hva hun vill!
Ha ei fine uke.
Tusen takk Janne, vi får håpe det:-)
Ha en fin uke, du også!
Ha! I thought you were showing us a real room at first. This is cool.
Ha, ha! Thanks Modern MC, and I who thought this was my really uncool room :-)
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