Much has happened during the time I neglected my blog. These pictures are from a camping trip Nora, Helmer, Polly Line and Jean-Marie du Bédauré made this spring. Polly Line had just bought a new car and Nora thought it would be nice if Polly Line could join her and Helmer on a camping trip to the sea.
The road to the camp site was quite bumpy, but they all arrived safely.
Nora had of course prepared the trip for days and brought enough food for a legion.
While the guys raised the tent, Polly Line lit a fire and made warm lunch and Nora fetched the plates and cups from the picnic basket.
Helmer's twin brother Henrik joined them at the campsite after hiking from town, having had yesterday off.
After lunch they all went for a walk. Helmer and Henrik were faster than the others and soon far ahead. Jean-Marie preferred the company of the girls.
Jean-Marie tried to give Polly Line a helping hand up a steep hill, but this wasn't at all appreciated by Polly Line who thought it was rude male chauvenistic behaviour to grab her tushy.
When they got to the top of the hill, they were surprised to discover a blue box. Nora and Jean-Marie were flabbergasted and wondered why on earth there was a telephone box in the middle of nowhere, but Polly Line immediately recognized SARDIS (Scale And Relative Dimension In Style), and with a beating heart she looked around for the owner.
And there he is!!!
In a heartbeat she runs as fast as she can towards him and into his open arms, leaving the others quite confused and (someone) disappointed.
They soon recognized the tall handsome stranger (also known as Dr Whatson, since noone seems to know his real name and he has a habit of showing up whenever something out of the ordinary is happening). But their confusion grew even more when Polly Line followed him into the tiny blue box.
They closed the door, the box started to blink and make lots of noise, and suddenly it was gone!
I love it! I have a Doctor who thing planned too!
Thanks Super Cool Doll House, I love the Dr Who series and can't wait to see what you have planned :-)
This story made me LOL!! ...we have missed missed missed your wonderful stories!! Scenery is terrific!!
Wow! What amazing scenery! The pictures look incredibly real and gorgeous! And the mystery unfolds about the handsome stranger! I love all of your picnic fixings (is that a Re-ment picnic case?), and especially love the tushie squeezing scene -- too funny!! :) I hope to see more of your posts!
OMG what a riot! The pictures looked so real I thought you were going to fill us in on your vacation while the computer was down! The people are so realistically placed. I think one should be careful giving one's heart to men who are known to disappear, don't you? CM
Helene!! What a terrific story :). I love every tushy bit of it! I can't stop smiling! And actually laughed out loud.
You can really do animation, you know and all the props and clothes and bags are perfectly chosen for this! Great photography and I just love how every scene is so well constructed. One of the best mini stories I have read!
What a comeback! Congratz, my dear!
Thanks to you, I watched a Dr Who episode on our BBC channel and understand now why you love it so much.
For en gripende historie, det er noe du virkeligen kan.
Fotograferingen er også super.
Koselig å høre fra deg igjen!!!
Thank you Florine, it made me really happy to hear you missed my stories and that you LOL because of my post :-)
Thanks callsmall, I thought I had to arrange a camping trip when I first got the jeep in a market and then found the tent with some military dolls :-) And this area is just 45 minutes away by car. Because of it's location by the open sea, most of the plants are low, perfect for miniature photo shoots :-)
The picnic baskets are both re-ment. Both the one that looks like a basket in the back of the car and the one Nora opens.
I hope I haven't unfolded too much about the handsome stranger, it's no going back now...I'm a bit curious myself what happens next :-)
Hi Pubdoll, good to see this story finally (you told me before that it was a lot of work - I really can imagine!), I was waiting, but it was worht it :-)
I love most the picture of the view inside through the back of the car. So realistic!
But the pictures of all the little peeps walking through the nature are great too.
I guess now I'll spent a lot of time searching for "Scale And Relative Dimension In Style" in the internet to find out wether it is a typical Pubdoll-thing and only existing in your head but a real ... perhaps .... company?
However it's great to have these open end...
Thank you very much and don't let us wait so long for the next little story from norway!
Regards from Oese, unable to comment with her own account....:-(
Thanks Carol, I sort of did :-) These photos were taken on daytrips I had the time to take with my family since I wasn't at home blogging :-) I even had to go back one time to take reshots of some of them!
Luckily I had good help from my kids who decided where they should camp and helped placing the people. It was a tough job to make them stand since it was windy out there.
Well this time Polly Line disappeared as well :-)
And even though there are many similarities, Dr Whatson isn't necessarily the same person as Dr Who, so it would be unfair to judge one of them based on the actions of the other :-)
Thanks Sans, imagine when Trond helped me edit the story, he suggested I should remove Polly Line's tushy! (Or at least the whole sentence I wrote about it)
So nice you finally have watched Dr Who - and liked it too! Was it an episode with "my" Dr Who?
What I like the most about the series is that it's such an important part of British TV-history. Seems almost everyone in England has childhood memories watching Dr Who. And I also like all the camp nonsense in the series (and of course I love watching David Tennant as the Doctor :-))
Tusen takk Janne, kjekt å være tilbake, det har vært en travel vår. For å være sikker på å få nok gode bilder tok jeg godt over 100. På grunn av det sterke sollyset var det vanskelig å se på kameraskjermen hvordan bildene ble.
Thanks Oese, so glad you thought it was worth the wait! I spent all yesterday choosing and editing photos and writing the story, so I'm glad to finally be through :-)
I was very pleased with the photo of the inside of the car as well.
So sad to hear you have computer problems too, are they serious?
SARDIS is a twist on TARDIS, the real name of the blue box.
(From the Dr who series, and the name is an abbreviation of "Time And Relative Dimensions In Space") It's a timemachine, camouflaged as a police telephone box, used by the Doctor to travel through time and space.
OMG Polly was kidnapped by an alien disguised as the handsome stranger!!! I can´t believe it! Hum, but maybe she´s actually enjoying it ;D
Great story, Helene!! And i apprechiated the norwegian landscape so much! Have to come back some days...
You are awesome. Loved the photos and the mystery. Oh my, how very fun.
Ha, ha, Nicola, your version is better than mine, maybe I go with yours instead :-) And thank you, you're most welcome to come visit some day :-) We could bring both your dolls and mine to Mølen and take pictures :-)
Thanks Amy, seems we both like taking our peeps on mystic journeys :-)
So clever Helene!!! Great story and fantastic picture taking, must have taken you a long time - I hope you also had time to enjoy the countryside.
Oioi, håper på en spennende fortsettelse her! Så flotte bilder, ser ut som en super campingtur.
Marie du Bédauré... ha, ha, måtte si det høyt for meg selv et par ganger før jeg tok den. Tenkte det måtte være et ordspill gjemt et sted i det navnet også, og jammen fant jeg det til slutt. Og Whatson... morsomt :-D
Thank you dear Norma! It did take a long time, but at least the rest of the family had time to enjoy the nature and take a walk :-)
Mølen, where these scenes are shot, is my favourite place to go to in the weekends and we go there several times every year. Just 45 minutes away, with fresh sea air and beautiful nature as you can see from the photos. There is also a large boulder stone beach there, with lots of old viking burial mounds made of the stones.
Hei Anne Mari, så kjekt du tok poenget med Jean-Marie du Bédauré-navnet, det er jo lite trolig at noen ikke-norske til å klare det :-)
Som du ser av svarene mine over her, er bildene tatt på Mølen (I Vestfold), kjempefint område med rullesteinsstrand og kyststi til Nevlunghavn og Helgeroa, begge gamle idylliske småbyer ved sjøen.
Vi får se hva fortsettelsen blir, først skal i hvertfall Eli og jeg til SIMP i Paris! :-D
Oi, heldige dere! Dere får ha en riktig god tur og kose dere masse! Hilse til Eli fra meg, er lenge siden jeg har sett henne nå.
I love this! And, of course, I would. You crack me up!
Thanks Modern MC, I'll bill you for a kiro practors appointment :-)
For some reason, I didn't leave a comment when I first saw this. I love it! The jeep and camping and hiking scenes are all brilliantly done - it is just the perfect landscape for them. And lucky Polly Line, she gets to travel with David Tennant as Dr Whatson :-) It's fun reading all the comments, too. I think Dr Who is a big part of Australian TV history too - I and lots of other people grew up watching it with Doctors like John Pertwee and Tom Baker, and have vivid memories of hiding behind the sofa when it got too scary. It's wonderful to have it back again - I haven't quite got to hiding, but it can still be quite scary!
Better late than never :-) Thank you Rebeccca, it's always so nice to hear from you. Especially when Dr Whatson is involved :-)
Yes, she's a lucky girl, travelling with him must be so much better than travelling with cheap airlines, as we did to Paris.
I didn't watch Dr Who until the new series started, but I remember hiding behind the sofa or running around the house when I was a child and things got scary on the TV :-) Wish we had had the series in my childhood too though. I liked the series because of the cult status even before I watched my first episode.
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