Camouflaged as a blue Police telephone box SARDIS (Scale And Relative Dimension In Style) is able to travel through both time, space, scale and style. Polly Line didn't know all this, so after the weekend with Dr Whatson in Paris in spring, she is surprised to be taken back in time. According to Dr Whatson it's spring 1849, they are in
Fredericia, a fortified town from the 17th century in Jylland (Jutland) in Denmark, and the city's almost empty since the inhabitants have been evacuated across the Belt to the island of Fyn (Funen) to avoid the siege.
61 000 soldiers, rebels from the Danish-ruled duchy of Schleswig-Holstein supported by Prussians had invaded the south of Denmark. The Danes were outnumbered, and the troops located there withdrew to northern Jylland. As they withdrew, they left 7000 men to garrison the town, along with a reserve on Fyn.
Polly Line walking peacefully around in the deserted town with dr Whatson, unaware that the final battle is to be on July the 6th.
The harbour with the citadel.
The Trinity church
Olaf Rye who was born in Bø in Telemark, Norway and had had his military upbringing in Polly Line's hometown Skien, was to become the great Danish hero of this war. First he tricked a large part of the enemy into following them up north to the peninsula of Helgenæs
, and from there had his soldiers brought back to Fredericia by boat where he and his brigade was largely responsible for winning the battle and end the war this day. Olaf Rye himself died in the battle and didn't live to see their victory. But the victory is still celebrated in Fredericia and for a long time after his death, when Danish soldiers died in battle they were said to join Rye's Brigade.
Statue of Olaf Rye in today's Fredericia with Bendik standing watch.

The city's main entrance gate, still looking like this today.

Polly Line and Dr Whatson taking a last look over the city.
Credits: The town is "den historiske Miniby" of Fredericia, in 1:10th scale. Started as a jobproject for unemployed in 1983, now built and maintained by a group of retired volunteers. Miss Polly Lines wardrobe is as usual provided by Cocco.