ENG: Nora returned from Stavanger with several gifts for Helmer, among them a black leather jacket and a t-shirt with a Vespa print. Helmer usually doesn't care much about clothes, and didn't say much this time either, but shortly after he went out to take this vespa for a ride, as pleased as Punch in his new outfit.
NOR: Nora kom tilbake fra Stavanger med flere gaver til Helmer, blant annet en svart lærjakke og en t-skjorte med Vespa-trykk på. Helmer bryr seg vanligvis ikke noe særlig om klær og sa ikke mye nå heller, men like etter dro han avgårde på vespaen, stolt som en hane i de nye klærne.
Credits: All of Helmer's clothes are designed and made by Cocco!
The helmet is from a vintage Lego figure.
Helmer looks like a total tough guy. Kudos to Cocco for the great clothing! I love the Vespa and the backdrop of the street -- I hope he traveled safely!
Now, these are my fav pictures of Helmer!! Esp the last one :):). He look so cooool. Ever since I was little, my dad pillion us on his bike so I grew up loving them. I really wanted to take my Vespa licence. But 12 lessons ..Oh, but Helmer does look so goooooood.
That helmet is just priceless and amazing that it fits perfect. The jacket , very "Grease Lightning". My girl is just dying here when she sees that last pic.LOL
What great dolls' clothes! I don't know how many T-shirts with images on them I have myself, and yet none of my dolls have any - and to be honest, I had not realised the gap in their wardrobes!
And the leather jacket is cool. Brilliantly made, both of them!
And terrific photos, too! It looks like a great day for a bike ride - though I fear it will be a bit bumpy for Helmer!
Ooooh, he looks so good! Love that jacket and the Vespa!
Vilken snygging! Fantastisk fin vespa också, fint med foto utomhus.
Vilket fint jobb du gjort med Lundbys källarvåning.Terassen blev jättebra med den fina träväggen/spaljén.
So cool fotos! :) Really nice clothes and the vespa is great!
sigh, if I were a few days younger.....
pubdoll please tell cocco that she did a good job on this jacket.
is this foto made in the last days? I see a tree without leaves in the background, that's why I ask. The houses are so lovely in this street, just like we think it would look like in norway.
Congrats to the nice shot
Så tøff Helmer ble med den nye jakken.Kanskje han blir med til Stavanger neste gang ?
Thanks callsmall!
Yes, Cocco is fabulous, and there is even more presents from her to come!
I'm really a lucky girl!
I guess he travelled safely, but he came back being quite exhausted and has been relaxing in the garden for most of the time this week :-)
Thanks Sans! Helmer blushes a bit as well :-)
Thank you Rebecca! Our wardrobe is filled with printed t-shirts as well, so Cocco must have thought it was about time Helmer got one too. By the way, a t-shirt to kill for, that's a motiv!
And you're quite right about the bumpy ride for Helmer. Not the best road quality here I'm afraid. Hmm, so that's why he has been lying flat out all week?
Thanks Mercedes! I hope Helmer won't get bigheaded after all the compliments, 'cause then I must find him a new helmet :-)
Takk Lena, og Helmer ba meg takke også :-) Så hyggelig du likte huset til Polly Line. Det er jo ikke akkurat Ernst og sommartorpet :-)
Thanks Julianna, me and the children had much fun taking them :-)
I love Helmer's vespa too. After I bought it in Rome I got hooked on vespas, so now both Cocco's Action Man and my daughter's Barbie have vespas as well :-)
Thanks Oese :-D
The photo was taken last Sunday. I don't know why this tree has lost it's leaves already, because it's still just late summer here, with apples on the trees and many flowers still blossoming.
I took the photo on the street right outside our house. It's an old neighbourhood, our house is more than a hundred years old but it's still among the newer houses here :-) If I walk to the town centre (takes about 10 min) I pass wooden houses that are 200-300 years old.
Takk Janne, og den er enda finere i virkeligheten!
En utrolig flott jobb av Cocco (igjen)!
Helmer har veldig lyst til å dra til Stavanger, han var litt snurt over at han ikke fikk bli med i år!
very cool dude!
Lovely shots I like the background view :)
Thanks Natalie, glad you liked the view, it wasn't cheap :-)
Ohh ... He is a real "Easy Rider" ; )
Born to be wild !
Ha, ha Hertta!
Yes, I think Helmer like to think of himself as a bit wild, but infact he's quite domesticated by Nora. So riding the vespa is his form of rebellion:-)
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