I have wanted one for many years and finally I have got hold of a Lundby Advent calendar, so this years it isn't only the kids who have calendars :-)
I thought I would share with you what I get each day and here is a picture of my day one gift: A christmas candleholder, typically nordic type I think.
I don't have one myself, I prefer the traditional Advent wreath or candlelabra with four candles, one for each Sunday, and an Advent star in the window. But I think 90% of Norwegian homes have at least one of these on display in their windows. (It is a rather new tradition though, dating back some 20 years)
hehe, that´s funny :) i bought one for me this year, which unfortunately didn´t arrive yet. but i think the one, i ordered is a bit younger than yours. yours is from 2005 - isn´t it? so you´ll make an adventskalender for all of us with yours. cute idea - one more virtuel calendar i´ll follow this year :) the first little gift, the christmas candleholder is to cute!! i hope something like this will be in my calendar, too...
good night, nicola
Gratulerer med fine kalender :)
Det ble veldig bra på kjøkkenet.Alltid lurt å sende barn og mann bort en helg.Da er vi iallefall effektive .
Kos deg i adventstiden
Klem Janne
Thank you Nicola!
I'm not sure which year mine is from. It was an old calendar the toy shop had had for years. Hope you get yours soon and that I don't spoil the surprise element for you!
Takk Janne! Jeg får også gjort masse de helgene resten av familien er borte :-)
Ønsker deg en fin adventstid også!
this is amazing! do you actually get a lundby item EVERY day?! thanks for sharing.
Yep, am I a lucky girl or not?
Thanks Annina :-)
Lucky gal indeed!!! This brings me back to my childhood, when we would eagerly open the calendar. But no minis!!! :)
So cute! Looking forward to the daily posts :)
It's so interesting to me to see all this 'chat' about advent calendars in the mini world at the moment, they were never a feature of our Christmas from childhood onwards - however I always liked the idea of the one with the chocolates but thats all about the chocolate not the calendar and I just know I'd never have the 'resistance' to only open each one each day - they'd all be opened by around Dec 3 - but then I'm a bad girl ;)
Like Norma, I have never had advent calendar feature anywhere near our lives (my family and 1). I read that it is an integral part of a Scandinavian home during the countdown to Christmas and that the German Lutherans started this tradition.
Wiki also mentioned that making advent calendars are a big thing with craft people :).
Helene, when I was shopping for my shelves at Ikea, I saw an exact replica of the candle holder there. If you are looking for lifesize one, Ikea has them. Although I am not crazy about the design in life size, the mini version is too cute!
This will be fun! :)
Sans, good to know, we always had an advent calendar and I grew up Lutheran, good to know the roots. ;)
Ich wollte mir auch einen bestellen, aber er ist so teuer und ich weiß ja nicht, was drin ist.
Wenn ich jetzt zufrieden mit dem, was du uns zeigst, kaufe ich mir im nächsten jahr auch einen.
Ich freue mich auf die (täglichen?) neuigkeiten. Der Kerzenständer ist schonmal ein guter Anfang, auch wenn ich ihn in meiner Wohnung nicht haben wollte, fürs Puppenhaus ist er süß.
Nochmals gute Besserung für deine Tochter.
me again :)
i searched some information about the calenders lundby/micki leksaker made, but i didn´t find much. there is one like yours on german ebay and the description says it´s from 2005. the one i ordered shows a "smaland" on the front and i think this one is younger?! did you buy yours in a toy shop at your hometown or at the internet?
it´s exciting to see if they put the same things inside. so don´t mind i´m happy to take a look at your little goodies each day - and be sure i´ll tell you every day if you got the same like me ;D
Thank you all for all your nice comments and information!
Sans, I had always advent calendars when growing up, both with things and chocolates, and thank you for the info on the origin. I didn't know that! I won't buy one for myself, but it was fun to hear they have them in Ikea also in Singapore! I'm not sure if it even fit the taste of any of my dolls, but I think it will blend in with all the other Christmas decorations in Nora and
Helmer's house :-)
Nicola, thank you for finding out which year the calendar was from! I didn't know, I just bought it in a local toy shop in the neighbour town where I work.
Oese, thank you for your good wishes, Mari is almost fully recovered now!
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