(One of these is Johanna from Finland who started the Mini treasures wiki. The wiki has its own exciting Advent calendar where miniaturists from all over the world contribute with their work, and I'm honoured to be one them! "My" window is tomorrow, the 12th December. )
NOR: I går fikk jeg min hundrede følger! Skål og takk til dere alle! Dette hadde jeg aldri ventet da jeg startet denne bloggen! Jeg ville bare ha et sted hvor jeg kunne samle og fortelle historiene mine. Og jeg hadde heller aldri ventet å få venner over hele verden! Jeg følger meg veldig heldig!
(En av dem er Johanna fra Finland som driver Mini Treasures-wikien. Wikien har sin egen spennende adventskalender hvor miniatyrelskere fra hele verden bidrar, og jeg er stolt over å få være med! "Min" luke er i morgen, den 12. desember.)
congrats! 100 readers!! great!! i think they all love your lundby-people and lundby-stories and the lovely little world you created... like i do :)
i´m happy you made the window for tomorrow at johannas calendar - can´t wait!!!
Congratulations! Your blog is such fun I'm not surprised :)
I just took a look at your window on the advent calender - love it!
Thank you Nicola, you're so sweet!
I must admit I look quite forward to tomorrow as well :-)
Thank you Norma, so nice to hear, I am quite surprised though :-)
So nice you have looked at the calendar already and of course even nicer that you liked it too! First I thought you had cheated, but then I remembered it's already the 12th December in Sydney :-)
Congratulations on reaching 100 readers!
And your window is gorgeous - the kitchen was ready just in time for Christmas baking, and what a lovely tree piled around with presents!
Babe, it's also tomorrow already in Bangkok!!!! I LOVE your advent story and I tell you, watching Helmer & family doing all the Christmassy things immediately put me in the mood. Nora looks great too. Do they all have new clothes ?( I know Nora is wearing the advent coat.) I can't get over how the Spooks House look. That's the great thing about you. You can really make different styles look as good as the other. I always fall back to the same Sans! look. Can't get past that yet.
100!! Yay Yay! You are a centenarian, my dear! It is amazing, isn't it? How far we all have come but I am not surprise at all that you are so popular!
Will write again on Monday when I have connection unless I get lucky!
Ich wundere mich auch nicht, dass du so viele Leser hast. Es ist eben nicht nur dein guter Stil und Geschmack, die Menschen bekommen einfach gern Geschichten erzählt. Das war schon immer so.
Ich mag an deinem Adventskalenderbild besonders die coockie-cutters, wo gibt es die denn in so klein? ich hatte mal welche von re-ment, die waren zu groß.
viel freude weiterbin, bis zum 200. Leser - den wirst du auch noch erreichen.
Gratulerer så mye med 100 følgere! Jeg forstår godt at de vil følge bloggen din, det er så kjekt å følge med på alle i miniverdenen din. Likte veldig godt bildene i kalender luken din! :-D
Cheers to your 100! Doesn't this help to validate all of your time and effort? Lucky for us you invest such care into your blog. :)
Thank you Rebecca! I'm glad you liked my window! The presents is infact even more Christmas decorations :-)
I will also show the pictures in my blog soon, and with more details.
Thank you Sans! So nice I could help you get in the Christmas mood :-)
Nora has a skirt that came with one of my other dolls, I have a little drawer with extra clothes. Cocco has made new clothes for so many of my dolls, so I have quite a lot of extras :-) Annika's trousers are new, they came with a Polly Pocket set I bought just because of them :-) Helmer's clothes are made by Cocco and you have seen them in the post where he plays guitar.
And thank you for the great compliment! That's what I like the most about doll's houses; to try out different styles.
Really Oese, do you really think as many as 200 will be interested? I have my doubts :-) But thank you for your nice comment! The cookie cutters were bought in a local craft shop. They are meant for scrapbooking, so they are thicker on one side, for gluing.
Tusen takk Anne Mari, så hyggelig av deg! Og jeg er glad du likte adventsluken min, jeg fikk litt prestasjonsangst når jeg så alle de flotte scenene og rommene i de andre lukene!
Cheers callsmall and thank you :-) Yes blogging does take a lot of time, but it's so worth it! I must admit making miniature scenes wouldn't be half as fun without you guys and all your nice feedback!
Thanks Dale! :-)
Hi Pubdoll, ich glaube, es ist einfach eine Frage der Zeit. Je länger ein interessanter Blog besteht, um so mehr Leser bekommt er mit der Zeit. Ich habe schon Blogs mit mehr als 200 Lesern gesehen.
Wahrscheinlich ist es aber auch ein Boom und irgendwann sinkt das Interesse am Bloggen/Lesen wieder ab und es kommt etwas Neues, wer weiß??? Bis dahin haben wir alle einfach viel Spaß!
Ich bin sicher das du recht hast Oese :-) Ich hatte doch nicht erwartet so bald 100 Lesern haben :-)
Aber ich weiss dass es über 600 Miniaturbloggen sind, so wir sind ganz viele!
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