ENG: The party has started - everyone is in a great mood, especially Helmer, waving the Norwegian flag. Karl Edo plays along, but Greece, who are on right now, is his secret favourite.
NOR: Festen er i gang og stemningen er høy. Særlig Helmer er feststemt og veiver med det norske flagget. Karl Edo spiller med, men egentlig er det Hellas som er favoritten hans.
ENG: The party, seen from the terrace.
NOR: Festen sett fra terrassen.
Credits: Barcelona chair on terrace by Reac. Table and jug by re-ment
lol - so cool.
Thanks Oese! (Wann du in Englisch kommentiert antworte ich auch in Englisch)
ja, das englische hat sich in der deutschen sprache sehr breit gemacht. manchmal ist gar kein unterschied!
Oho, es sieht ja sehr gut aus für Norwegen - da wird ja wirklich gute Stimmung sein auf der Party - ist genug zu trinken eingekauft?
Danke Oese und danke für "the 12 points" aus Deutschland! Ich glaube das es genug ist, sie können doch auch später in den Pub gehen:)
Gratulation Norwegen!
Danke Oese, es war echt super! :D :D :D :D
Love how the lights look on the terrace! I have not gotten around to using the transformer.
What a great party! And you actually have Eurovision on the TV, I think? I love the way Karl Edo has furnished his house, with a mixture of vintage, vintage style and modern furniture - this room looks terrific too.
Thanks callsmall!
Thanks Rebecca!
It must have been a great party, I went to bed just over three hours ago, and they were still going on!
And you're right, it is the Eurovision on the TV, from when Greece was performing.
"From Greece was performing in the semifinal", it should have said. I printed it out from the web on Friday and must admit I shot the pictures before the actual show was sent.
What a great set up. I love that you made your own tv image. The mini popcorn is too cute.
Thank you Christy! I'm quite happy with how the TV turned out, too:)
The minipopocorn is actual real popcorn broken into bits! And the potato chips is Corn flakes.
No way! It's real food? How clever : )
I bet that took forever, that's some dedication.
The potato chips took me two seconds to make:) I used a spice mortar and the popcorn didn't take very much longer. The best thing about it was I had en excuse for making popcorn:)
What took dedication, was making the flags!
SOOOOOO lovely photos! And You did win, congratulation!!! :) Upper photos are great too!
Thank you Julianna! It was a busy weekend in the dolls house!
But when I posted these pictures I had no idea we were going to win:D
I think Karl Edo and his guests were partying all night through to celebrate!
Bravo Norge! Jag röstade två gånger Alexanders sång som den bästa. mvh raija från Borgå i Finland.
Tusen takk Raija! Både for hilsen og for at du stemte på Alexander!
Kommentaren din kom tre ganger, så jeg fjernet de to første, håper det går bra:)
Tack, tack. Jag märkte inte, att det kom fram, men jag ville säga det. h raija
Bare trevligt Raija! Jeg har kommentarmoderering på eldre poster, så da tar det litt tid før det vises.
hilsen Helene.
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