ENG: At last Karl Edo has got the chair of his dreams, the Eero Aarnio ball chair!
He immediately decided that it was a perfect chair for watching TV.
Here he is with the remote control in his hand and a bottle of wine and some snacks within reach. He even got a new table and a matching wall unit for the TV. When I expressed some slight concern about how he could earn any money at all from Spook House, taking so much of the shop's furniture for himself, Karl Edo reassured me and said he likes to use his new house as a showroom, since the shop is so small!
NOR: Endelig har Karl Edo fått drømmestolen sin, Eero Aarnios kule kulestol! Han fant med en gang ut at den var den perfekte TV-stol!
Her ser du ham med fjernkontrollen i hånda og en flaske med god vin og litt snacks ikke langt unna! Han har også skaffet seg nytt bord og en matchende TV-seksjon. Da jeg uttrykte en viss bekymring for om Spook House kunne gå i pluss i det hele tatt når han stadig vekk tar med møbler hjem, beroliget Karl Edo meg og sa at han liker å bruke det nye huset sitt som showroom, siden butikken er så liten!
Karl seems to be having quite a relaxing evening!
Cool vibe! I LOVE the LEGO ideas you have been bringing to your posts.
Nice and cosy! Somehow I don't think he'll be showing this to any customers any time soon!! or maybe it will always be 'on hold' for another customer?
Thanks Mary, he usually is:) As I have mentioned in a previous post, Karl Edo prefers enjoying physical exercise from a distance!
Thanks callsmall! I've had much fun trying out the possibilities too!
Thank you Rebecca:D
Though I suspect the showroom idea is just an excuse for changing his furniture a lot, I think you're absolutely right about the chair being indefinitely 'on hold!
But I also think he would like to show off his new "toy" to as many as possible.
Die Lego-Wand ist super, genauso wie der Stuhl (den gab es natürlich auf der Messe nicht, ich habe aber noch den Größenwahn, ihn mal nachzubauen, wenn ich einen Ball finde, der passt), aber am besten gefällt mir die Uhr.
Danke Oese! Weil ich die Uhr selbst gemacht habe, bin ich sehr froh daß es dir am besten gefällt:)
Ich bin sehr gespannt deinen eventuellen Ball Stuhl-Versuch zu sehen. Du bist immer so tüchtig alles selbst zu machen und ich bin sicher daß du damit keine Probleme haben willst!
I love the ball chair in this room. You are doing such amazing things with your rooms. I like making the modern mins out of legos. Who knew they could make so much stuff? : )
Thanks Christy! I think you do amazing things with your rooms!
If you google Lego you will see that infact there is no end to the stuff you can make from it:)
Hey, I thought I left a comment here about the ball chair and how I use to collect designer furniture blah blah?? lol. This was one of my fav. until I ran out of space. Now every little bit of space is for my dollhose :). Love what you did with this room.
Thanks Sans! I have thought of buying this chair for some time now, but it's not easy to combine with my other furniture, it really becomes evident that I have a smaller scale. So far I have just three of the reac chairs, but wouldn't mind more! But I have a shelf which is perfect for displaying objects as the ball chair.
I love LOVE LOOOVE the Lego shelf. I kept on scrolling down to see the credits for the wall unit and was floored when I saw that it was another one of your inspired Lego creations.
Keep the wonderful ideas coming!
Thank you so much Altera! I love that you didn't see it was lego;)
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