I thought they loooked like a modular shelving system and made this shelf for the Stockholm house. This is my first try and I'm not sure it's going to stay this way for long, but that's the beauty of Lego; nothing is final!
NOR: Og legoinspirasjonen fortsatte... Jeg kjøpte noen pakker med bare vinduer og dører for legofasaden min, og der var det også noen dype rammer for vinduer og dører. Jeg syntes de liknet hyllemoduler og laget denne hylla til Stockholmhuset. Dette er mitt første forsøk og jeg er ikke sikker på om hylla kommer til å forbli slik lenge, men det er jo det fantastiske med Lego; alt kan endres!
What a great idea. Now I'm thinking of getting some Lego frames to make one myself. I have wanted something like this in my Kaleidoscope house, and although the scale is different, I think it could still work well (especially with the choice of colours).
The room looks beautiful. I love the chairs with this wallpaper - and the modular shelving provides a great contrast to all the curves!
Thank you Rebecca, it would be so great if my little idea could be used in the Kaleidoscope house, my favourite doll's house!
I must admit, it wasn't much a choice of colours though. These were the ones available, but I look forward to explore the possibilities of these moduls.
Cool idea, looks great! The room lends itself to fun, right?
Simple yet effective. Very clever, Helene!
Auch hier bin ich total begeistert. Ich wusste wirklich nicht, dass es so viele verschiedene Steine inzwischen gibt, besonders die Abdeckungen sind natürlich super zum Möbelbauen. Hoffentlich fange ich das jetzt nicht auch noch an, ich habe keinen Platz mehr!!!!
Thanks callsmall! Absolutely, I think I will have problems doing serene in there:) Nice post title by the way!
Thank you Sans!
Danke Oese!
Ich liebe Lego und besonders die Abdeckungen und habe sie in eigene kleine Boxen gesammelt. Vor ich fing an zu bauen, hatte ich meine ganze Legosammlung in nur einen nicht so grossen Box, so ich glaube dass man nicht viel Platz für es braucht.
NICE! I like using Legos in my projects too :).
I love the lego idea. I agree with Rebecca, it's inspiring me to run out and buy legos! I like the bookcase, very Ikea. : )
Thanks Christy! I like Ikea:)
Thanks Johanna!
So nice there are more of us:)
Hey! This is a cool idea. Plus this looks good.
Thanks very much Modern MC!
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