ENG: At last Karl Edo has got the chair of his dreams, the Eero Aarnio ball chair!
He immediately decided that it was a perfect chair for watching TV.
Here he is with the remote control in his hand and a bottle of wine and some snacks within reach. He even got a new table and a matching wall unit for the TV. When I expressed some slight concern about how he could earn any money at all from Spook House, taking so much of the shop's furniture for himself, Karl Edo reassured me and said he likes to use his new house as a showroom, since the shop is so small!
NOR: Endelig har Karl Edo fått drømmestolen sin, Eero Aarnios kule kulestol! Han fant med en gang ut at den var den perfekte TV-stol!
Her ser du ham med fjernkontrollen i hånda og en flaske med god vin og litt snacks ikke langt unna! Han har også skaffet seg nytt bord og en matchende TV-seksjon. Da jeg uttrykte en viss bekymring for om Spook House kunne gå i pluss i det hele tatt når han stadig vekk tar med møbler hjem, beroliget Karl Edo meg og sa at han liker å bruke det nye huset sitt som showroom, siden butikken er så liten!